如果有一個人讓我看了一眼就會當下決定讓我停下腳步. 那一定就是你.
如果有一個人讓我抱住之後不再願意放開. 那一定就是你.
如果有一個人讓我遇見之後無法轉身. 那一定就是你.
2007年11月30日 星期五
2007年11月14日 星期三
我知道你現在正在努力的工作. 我也是喔! 大家都是為了以後很好的生活打拼呢! 這次有感覺, 你以前去大陸的時候我覺得我都沒有那麼想你呢! 可能是真的以前爭吵太多了吧... 久了也疲乏了. 所以暫時的離開有時候還真的是給大家一個緩衝的時期. 現在, 我的心境不一樣了. 最近可能真的是溝通有效吧! 這一次你去我真的感到好想你. 又加上我也要去美國了. 想到有可能要到12月初才見面就覺得似乎跑到另外一個時空了呢! 唉~ 人生或許就是在這麼不安定中尋找安定. 在這麼不和諧中尋找和諧. 在不完美之中尋找完美. 這個應是我們汲汲追求的目標.
我們最近的家庭溝通似乎產生了效果. 從一開始的平靜溝通到爭吵溝通到快樂溝通達到了我們想要的和樂效果. 我們似乎更了解依賴彼此了呢! 我感覺我們越來越了解如何去互相配合, 尊重, 和支持對方. 任何外力都無法對我們造成任何影響. 因為我們彼此的心是如此的緊密的! 婚姻的第一年深覺是純粹摩何的時期. 相處的快樂是在磨和融合之後開始. 我們的手才真正彼此緊握. 記得我們總是希望走出去能代表互相有著一體的感覺? 我覺得我們越來越接近了!
我很想你我也真的覺得咪咪很想你. 不要看他小小的不懂. 他可是已經成長成一個會
笑會叫會吃會爬有牙的小女生了呢! 咪咪越來越有我兩的影子了呢! 這樣的對你思念, 雖然很難熬但是很甜蜜. 因為是個甜蜜的想念. 我們都想對你說爸爸加油!!!
Katy & Mimi
同步放映 naomihsu.blogspot.com
我知道你現在正在努力的工作. 我也是喔! 大家都是為了以後很好的生活打拼呢! 這次有感覺, 你以前去大陸的時候我覺得我都沒有那麼想你呢! 可能是真的以前爭吵太多了吧... 久了也疲乏了. 所以暫時的離開有時候還真的是給大家一個緩衝的時期. 現在, 我的心境不一樣了. 最近可能真的是溝通有效吧! 這一次你去我真的感到好想你. 又加上我也要去美國了. 想到有可能要到12月初才見面就覺得似乎跑到另外一個時空了呢! 唉~ 人生或許就是在這麼不安定中尋找安定. 在這麼不和諧中尋找和諧. 在不完美之中尋找完美. 這個應是我們汲汲追求的目標.
我們最近的家庭溝通似乎產生了效果. 從一開始的平靜溝通到爭吵溝通到快樂溝通達到了我們想要的和樂效果. 我們似乎更了解依賴彼此了呢! 我感覺我們越來越了解如何去互相配合, 尊重, 和支持對方. 任何外力都無法對我們造成任何影響. 因為我們彼此的心是如此的緊密的! 婚姻的第一年深覺是純粹摩何的時期. 相處的快樂是在磨和融合之後開始. 我們的手才真正彼此緊握. 記得我們總是希望走出去能代表互相有著一體的感覺? 我覺得我們越來越接近了!
我很想你我也真的覺得咪咪很想你. 不要看他小小的不懂. 他可是已經成長成一個會
笑會叫會吃會爬有牙的小女生了呢! 咪咪越來越有我兩的影子了呢! 這樣的對你思念, 雖然很難熬但是很甜蜜. 因為是個甜蜜的想念. 我們都想對你說爸爸加油!!!
Katy & Mimi
同步放映 naomihsu.blogspot.com
2007年7月4日 星期三
2007年3月31日 星期六
基本上這是有一段時間的火鍋餐了. 吃的時候是一月多. 但是發現很多食記呢, 都因為之前在台灣太忙沒有整理. 稱著現在閒閒有暇沒事幹, 就把它一次貼了吧!
超級多料的鍋底. 實在不需要怎麼叫料. 左邊是酸菜鍋底, 右邊是最有名的麻辣鍋底. 裡面料已很多. 還有丸子燕餃啦! 麻辣鍋底的豬血和大腸頭就已經多到不行了! 後來服務生還一直問要不要加. 都吃到快吐了說!
超級棒的霜降牛. 我應該沒記錯吧?!?~~
當時就三個人吃, 兩個大男人我一個小女人. 當然是吃不完又要打包回家了. 太和殿是不便宜, 但是個人真的覺得直得! 太好吃了! 現在真想衝回去在吃一遍喔!
2007年3月23日 星期五
This is day is the day that made us legal. Eventhough we know that we belonged to each other already way before this day. But this is still a special day which will always stay in our heart. The recording is a short video of our commencement ceremony at a commissionary's house.
It was snowing. It was cold. It was white. White means purity and sacred. This is us.
Remember what she said, what does the ring mean? A full circle and the circle of trust and bonds. It ties us together. It brings us together. It represents us as a whole. Forever and ever and I always will be the same me years later and on this same day.
It was snowing. It was cold. It was white. White means purity and sacred. This is us.
Remember what she said, what does the ring mean? A full circle and the circle of trust and bonds. It ties us together. It brings us together. It represents us as a whole. Forever and ever and I always will be the same me years later and on this same day.
2007年3月20日 星期二
Prison Break: Episode 219 "Sweet Caroline"
In This Espisode and I know some of you guys will hate me... Especially my honey Jim. Nah, who cares. I'm just going to update the episodes on my blog until this season ends (Season 2). There's only 3 more episodes left! So bare with me please. I am finding the plot sort of unbearable these days... I seriously have no idea how they are going to make into Season 3. Another disaster like 24? Never ending chases with twisted stories and overdosed conspiracy plots? Tired the nerves out of audience's braincells? Anyways, here it is...
Episode 219 "Sweet Caroline"
Airdate: 03/05/2007
C-Note's body sways and he begins to pass out. A passing guard walks by and sees C-Note dangling from the noose that Mahone provided him. He orders the cell open and another guard rushes to open the door. The guard storms in and lifts up C-Note long enough for the second guard to cut the rope. The guards call for a medic, but C-Note rasps, “Let me die.”
-> So no... those of you who waits for the death of another inmate? Nah, no chance. He's got to be there in Season 3. There's not enough actors around. C-Note's been here long enough. To extend from the recap, C-Noted called Mahone at his FBI office but Mahone wasn't there. Another FBI agent talked to him instead. This agent actually came and visit C-Note at Fox River and trying to induce him to turn Mahone in on what he has done to C-Note. Just another agent trying to backstab and climb up using Mahone as ladders. Well, I think C-Note's going to do it!
Spectators and supporters gather around the entrance of a hotel, awaiting the arrival of President Caroline Reynolds. They wave flags and banners with her face on them.Kellerman loads his sniper rifle and props it on a building ledge. He listens to the security team over his earpiece as the call out the President's location.
Well did he pull the trigger afterall? Nope! Why not? Cause he saw Scofield beside Caroline and handed her a piece of paper saying "We Have The Tape!!!" Scared her and scared Kellerman too. She had to talk to him and Kellerman just walked away with a sigh on his face.
Michael thanks Cooper Green for his help and sees him out of the hotel room. Michael asks Lincoln, “It's ten minutes away, right?” Lincoln confirms and tells them they need to move fast.
So the two brothers left the hotel room and Sara. Michaeld went to Caroline as Lincoln went to find his friend for a train ticket.
Mahone races up the stairs, heading towards their hotel room. Lincoln tells Michael that if the next step of their plan doesn't work, they'll need an exit. Michael tells Lincoln, “That's on you.” Lincoln asks what Michael thinks about a man named Derek Sweeny to help them out. Michael thinks it's a good idea. Michael and Sara agree to meet at the corner of Third and Racine at 3:15 in the afternoon. Michael tells Sara and his brother he loves them both, and exits the hotel.
Mahone arrives at the tenth floor, and then snakes down the halls. When he arrives as the room, he flashes his badge to a hotel employee and asks for the key. He turns the key and the door opens, but the chain is fixed and he can't get in. Sara sees the door pop open, and realizes something is wrong. She frantically looks for a place to hide.
Mahone kicks open the door, gun drawn. He moves around the room, looking for anyone. He finally lowers his gun and is frustrated that the brothers have slipped away again. He looks down to see a computer wire lying on the floor. His eyes follow it.
Sara is concealed underneath the bed and she watches Mahone's shoes as they circle the room. She hears the hotel door close and she waits for a moment before crawling out. When she thinks it's clear, she slowly gets up. She flips open her cell phone to make a call, and as she rounds the corner, she jumps back. Mahone is waiting with gun drawn. Mahone's face reads disappointment again, and he orders her to sit down.
I still don't get why does she always fall for Mahone's little tricks and mind games. But yes, he finally caught the girl...
Sara tells Mahone that she doesn't know where Michael and Lincoln went; they decided it was for the best if Sara didn't know the next steps of their plan. Mahone doesn't believe Sara and begins to yell. Sara slams her cell phone down on the table and Mahone tells her that she does not want to lie to him.
She finally will lead Mahone to Michael and Lincoln cause Mahone tricked her again and acting like he let her go. She calls Michael as another FBI agent Agent Lang follows her to Michael and Lincoln's hide out place.
So Caroline talked to Michael and Michael lets her hears the tape. She frightens and promised Michael for a presidential pardon and an safe escape for Michael. Michael walked away safe and thought this is it. Agent "Korean Guy" reports to a higher superiority on Caroline's decision. He then threatens Caroline that they know a lot of her secrets too. Leavin Caroline in dismay.
Michael united with Lincoln telling Caroline about to make a speech on the presidential pardon. When they turn on the TV waiting excitedly on the presidential pardon speech, they found out Caroline has said she would like to make an announcement to the whole world. What did she say? Well to everybody's surprises... And to continue on the Season's series of endless mindgames of Prison Break... She said... "I have been diagnosed with a malastic Cancer and I will step down from the presidency from now on..." The only thing Michael said was "We only have one choice now. We gotta run and disappear fast..." Well too bad... To continue on the series with three more episodes left. Commentary and Recaps update will be showed again on my blog on Monday April 19th... April 20th for you guys in Taiwan!
Ha Ha~~~
Episode 219 "Sweet Caroline"
Airdate: 03/05/2007
C-Note's body sways and he begins to pass out. A passing guard walks by and sees C-Note dangling from the noose that Mahone provided him. He orders the cell open and another guard rushes to open the door. The guard storms in and lifts up C-Note long enough for the second guard to cut the rope. The guards call for a medic, but C-Note rasps, “Let me die.”
-> So no... those of you who waits for the death of another inmate? Nah, no chance. He's got to be there in Season 3. There's not enough actors around. C-Note's been here long enough. To extend from the recap, C-Noted called Mahone at his FBI office but Mahone wasn't there. Another FBI agent talked to him instead. This agent actually came and visit C-Note at Fox River and trying to induce him to turn Mahone in on what he has done to C-Note. Just another agent trying to backstab and climb up using Mahone as ladders. Well, I think C-Note's going to do it!
Spectators and supporters gather around the entrance of a hotel, awaiting the arrival of President Caroline Reynolds. They wave flags and banners with her face on them.Kellerman loads his sniper rifle and props it on a building ledge. He listens to the security team over his earpiece as the call out the President's location.
Well did he pull the trigger afterall? Nope! Why not? Cause he saw Scofield beside Caroline and handed her a piece of paper saying "We Have The Tape!!!" Scared her and scared Kellerman too. She had to talk to him and Kellerman just walked away with a sigh on his face.
Michael thanks Cooper Green for his help and sees him out of the hotel room. Michael asks Lincoln, “It's ten minutes away, right?” Lincoln confirms and tells them they need to move fast.
So the two brothers left the hotel room and Sara. Michaeld went to Caroline as Lincoln went to find his friend for a train ticket.
Mahone races up the stairs, heading towards their hotel room. Lincoln tells Michael that if the next step of their plan doesn't work, they'll need an exit. Michael tells Lincoln, “That's on you.” Lincoln asks what Michael thinks about a man named Derek Sweeny to help them out. Michael thinks it's a good idea. Michael and Sara agree to meet at the corner of Third and Racine at 3:15 in the afternoon. Michael tells Sara and his brother he loves them both, and exits the hotel.
Mahone arrives at the tenth floor, and then snakes down the halls. When he arrives as the room, he flashes his badge to a hotel employee and asks for the key. He turns the key and the door opens, but the chain is fixed and he can't get in. Sara sees the door pop open, and realizes something is wrong. She frantically looks for a place to hide.
Mahone kicks open the door, gun drawn. He moves around the room, looking for anyone. He finally lowers his gun and is frustrated that the brothers have slipped away again. He looks down to see a computer wire lying on the floor. His eyes follow it.
Sara is concealed underneath the bed and she watches Mahone's shoes as they circle the room. She hears the hotel door close and she waits for a moment before crawling out. When she thinks it's clear, she slowly gets up. She flips open her cell phone to make a call, and as she rounds the corner, she jumps back. Mahone is waiting with gun drawn. Mahone's face reads disappointment again, and he orders her to sit down.
I still don't get why does she always fall for Mahone's little tricks and mind games. But yes, he finally caught the girl...
Sara tells Mahone that she doesn't know where Michael and Lincoln went; they decided it was for the best if Sara didn't know the next steps of their plan. Mahone doesn't believe Sara and begins to yell. Sara slams her cell phone down on the table and Mahone tells her that she does not want to lie to him.
She finally will lead Mahone to Michael and Lincoln cause Mahone tricked her again and acting like he let her go. She calls Michael as another FBI agent Agent Lang follows her to Michael and Lincoln's hide out place.
So Caroline talked to Michael and Michael lets her hears the tape. She frightens and promised Michael for a presidential pardon and an safe escape for Michael. Michael walked away safe and thought this is it. Agent "Korean Guy" reports to a higher superiority on Caroline's decision. He then threatens Caroline that they know a lot of her secrets too. Leavin Caroline in dismay.
Michael united with Lincoln telling Caroline about to make a speech on the presidential pardon. When they turn on the TV waiting excitedly on the presidential pardon speech, they found out Caroline has said she would like to make an announcement to the whole world. What did she say? Well to everybody's surprises... And to continue on the Season's series of endless mindgames of Prison Break... She said... "I have been diagnosed with a malastic Cancer and I will step down from the presidency from now on..." The only thing Michael said was "We only have one choice now. We gotta run and disappear fast..." Well too bad... To continue on the series with three more episodes left. Commentary and Recaps update will be showed again on my blog on Monday April 19th... April 20th for you guys in Taiwan!
Ha Ha~~~
我今天下午4:39分call你,你在電話中. 我想知道你什麼時候會回call. 甚至有可能不回call, 如往常依樣. 不懂, 我提醒你了許久回call的禮貌性. 你還是無動於衷. 現在是4:49PM. 我很懷疑.
余秋雨, 相信台灣的人並不陌生. 書展時, 他的書籍也是每年天下文化大力推薦的作品集之一. 就算沒有新作, 也會整理舊時著作拆成書畫冊. 吳越之間系列叢書的由來就是如此. 之所以會買, 也是因為那些照片剛好對照大師的文字. 而其中, 我最鍾愛的吳越之間. 剛剛讀完這本書, 還是令我想起寧波. 之所以會喜歡也是憶及寧波的日子. 那段在零下溫度裡洗冷水澡的日子. 絕不打車, 只做公交的日子. 五毛人民幣路邊攤的日子. 實在令人深深懷念.
從未入過天一閣, 卻是我一直嚮往的拜訪古蹟. 沒想到現在在透由文字圖照遊天一, 卻也是另外一種體會. 寧波人的文化, 深遠. 寧波人的微笑, 總是比上海人多了那一份真. 寧波人的志氣, 天大. 這就是古城寧波. 一個可以深坎入心的城市.
寧波的綠地, 小區的幽靜, 回味無窮的鹹蟹. 仍舊, 迴蕩. 照片擷取於:
余秋雨, 相信台灣的人並不陌生. 書展時, 他的書籍也是每年天下文化大力推薦的作品集之一. 就算沒有新作, 也會整理舊時著作拆成書畫冊. 吳越之間系列叢書的由來就是如此. 之所以會買, 也是因為那些照片剛好對照大師的文字. 而其中, 我最鍾愛的吳越之間. 剛剛讀完這本書, 還是令我想起寧波. 之所以會喜歡也是憶及寧波的日子. 那段在零下溫度裡洗冷水澡的日子. 絕不打車, 只做公交的日子. 五毛人民幣路邊攤的日子. 實在令人深深懷念.
從未入過天一閣, 卻是我一直嚮往的拜訪古蹟. 沒想到現在在透由文字圖照遊天一, 卻也是另外一種體會. 寧波人的文化, 深遠. 寧波人的微笑, 總是比上海人多了那一份真. 寧波人的志氣, 天大. 這就是古城寧波. 一個可以深坎入心的城市.
寧波的綠地, 小區的幽靜, 回味無窮的鹹蟹. 仍舊, 迴蕩. 照片擷取於:
今天是正式交往的一週年. 去年的這個時候剛從寧波飛回. 八點多到的飛機. 接機的也是你. 後來, 開了瓶紅酒慶祝就說就把今天算做是我們再一起的日子. 之前歷歷在目的種種疑惑的日子終於有了一個穩定的答案. 我想你我當時當算是鬆了一口氣吧!
雖然, 一年後的今天已全然穩定.
但是, 怎麼只有我記得這個日子. 節日似乎一個一個被遺忘. 口頭上的表達也省略了. 我不喜歡節日的冷落... 卻一個一個的越來越被冷落... 我總感覺, 我的很多, 都被忽略了...
雖然, 一年後的今天已全然穩定.
但是, 怎麼只有我記得這個日子. 節日似乎一個一個被遺忘. 口頭上的表達也省略了. 我不喜歡節日的冷落... 卻一個一個的越來越被冷落... 我總感覺, 我的很多, 都被忽略了...
前幾天找到些舊時的情緒發洩. 就這麼一個Word文件檔. 倒也好玩... 當然, 裡面寫的全是在擁有幸福之前. PO再這一個blog不但是一個見證也是覺得極奇好笑. 人果然都是有過那麼一段無知過往. 裡面的措辭, 可能現在的我是不會在用的了. 已不適合, 也不可能再去那麼幼稚的體會了. 如下:
我在看不到光明前路的現在回顧過往, 我有愛,有恨,有不捨,有難過,有逃避,有撕裂,有不想再去面對的這些那些種種雜陳感覺. 我不知道,但我仍回顧,仍回顧著不該被回顧的過往昔日. 那些似有若無的甜蜜,那些在最初短暫的快樂,那些似是能抓住的感覺,都依依呈現爾後逐漸模糊. 那些痛撤入緋的冷言冷語,那些傷入心底的焦躁咆啸,那些無力承受的尖銳指責, 猶然在耳. 這些傷,這些痛,這些痕卻是如歷歷在目的決裂事實. 甚者,還有更多的這些那些我依然蒙然不知的誨暗真相,我已無力挖掘. 盡是土的我, 早已衣衫襤褸的轉身而去. 不願在對著那個滿是秘密的墳墓投身跳下. 發現的每一顆小沙,每一坨泥都向鹽巴, 侵蝕著我滿是深傷的傷口和入我的淚水,無情凌遲. 而使做傭者的你,卻依然故我,盡情埋入自我的世界裡, 無視於我的徹夜難眠,反覆自殘. 我, 是被你挖空靈魂了的軀殼. 我, 是被你掏空了心的殘骸. 我, 是被你交錯捲掃後的零星碎片. 我, 是看清後你的暫時陪伴. 我, 只是在她之後你生活中需要陪伴的代替品. 不是嗎? 你冷情的言語, 清淡的語調, 冷淡的對待, 早已, 在, 好久好久好久好久的以前, 向我宣告了這個事實, 做繭自缚的我, 選擇在自己的繭裡, 繼續一點一滴的自我毀滅. 在反覆念你恨你恨你念你中, 慢慢脫節, 絲絲飛散, 睧睧蕭逝…
很久之前了, 如今回顧, 只決莞爾. 你知道, 只有你才是我的全部和唯一.
我在看不到光明前路的現在回顧過往, 我有愛,有恨,有不捨,有難過,有逃避,有撕裂,有不想再去面對的這些那些種種雜陳感覺. 我不知道,但我仍回顧,仍回顧著不該被回顧的過往昔日. 那些似有若無的甜蜜,那些在最初短暫的快樂,那些似是能抓住的感覺,都依依呈現爾後逐漸模糊. 那些痛撤入緋的冷言冷語,那些傷入心底的焦躁咆啸,那些無力承受的尖銳指責, 猶然在耳. 這些傷,這些痛,這些痕卻是如歷歷在目的決裂事實. 甚者,還有更多的這些那些我依然蒙然不知的誨暗真相,我已無力挖掘. 盡是土的我, 早已衣衫襤褸的轉身而去. 不願在對著那個滿是秘密的墳墓投身跳下. 發現的每一顆小沙,每一坨泥都向鹽巴, 侵蝕著我滿是深傷的傷口和入我的淚水,無情凌遲. 而使做傭者的你,卻依然故我,盡情埋入自我的世界裡, 無視於我的徹夜難眠,反覆自殘. 我, 是被你挖空靈魂了的軀殼. 我, 是被你掏空了心的殘骸. 我, 是被你交錯捲掃後的零星碎片. 我, 是看清後你的暫時陪伴. 我, 只是在她之後你生活中需要陪伴的代替品. 不是嗎? 你冷情的言語, 清淡的語調, 冷淡的對待, 早已, 在, 好久好久好久好久的以前, 向我宣告了這個事實, 做繭自缚的我, 選擇在自己的繭裡, 繼續一點一滴的自我毀滅. 在反覆念你恨你恨你念你中, 慢慢脫節, 絲絲飛散, 睧睧蕭逝…
很久之前了, 如今回顧, 只決莞爾. 你知道, 只有你才是我的全部和唯一.
小六至今的愛好: HELLO.KITTY
最近, 又陷入了7-11的魔咒. 這個公司實在是很多沉倫的原罪. 從一炮而紅的HELLO KITTY磁鐵到花花胸章到HELLO KITTY 2007立體月曆我也參與了兩個戰役. 第二個就是立體月曆. 蒐集月曆辦法是:
1. 購買兩個御飯團 (天氣冷, 誰喜歡吃御飯團啊! 罪過...) 可得到一枚一個月份的立體月曆. 不可抽月份
2. iCash加值$300NTD. 頓時, 一個月份的立體月曆則贈送給你. 但是, 這不就代表立體月曆差不多就是$300NTD的價值了嗎? 唉... 要怎麼說呢...
兩個辦法都是極糟!!! 但是, 痴愛HELLO KITTY的我只好看事辦事, 能吃就吃, 看能蒐集多少就是蒐集多少了. 縱使, 要吃24+的個御飯團在冬天這樣子的天氣來說, 又這樣子的狀況是一個瘋狂的行為. 但是也不可否認, 確實, 他們可愛啊~~~
該怎麼辦呢... 面壁思過中...
2007=> Countdown was not surprising at all. We fought but at the end we forgive each other. Well, at this point I guess we have to. No hard feelings, this is a great and prosperous 2007. Jim will be the lead sales in Ilitek and I will create more customer relations in Greenlawn. My new year resolution would be (and I have never told anyone), 1. Naomi 2. Concentrate and create more customer base at work 3. Investments together with Jim.
The first entry at 2007. Promising and Exiting. From this year on, this is our 2007. Our every HAPPY.NEW.YEAR.
2006 Count Down.Depressing? Or Surprising?
It's the last day of this year 2006 at office. Wow, one year sure pass fast... Well, at the end of one year there's always the countdown. Who are you going to spend the last second with? Usually I would imagine to spend with people worthwhile.
Couple years before when I was still in highschool; yes that is long time ago..., I spent the New Year Countdowns with either my friends (at parties) or my family (at home watching television countdown which I love to do...) I have never seen any point of going to Count Down Parties hosted by Televsion Companies. I certainly do not enjoy counting down with a bunch of crowds I am totally not familiar with.
When I was in SFU, I remember countdowns I spent with close friends and people who I care and care for me. That is a meaningful countdown. Cuddle every vanishing second together with close friends.
During my work times in LA, I remember one year countdown. I was invited to a New Year Party (of course those huge ones hosted by big marketing companies) with new "LA" friends at the Mayfair Hotel (If I remember correctly) in Hollywood. You went in, you saw a bunch of people, you pay a lot, you drink cheap punch of paid beverage (alcohol) and you social with your friends or try to pick up someone. That was in a small ballroom full of people. A bunch of people I don't know. That is one of the WORST countdowns I've ever been to. I HATE spending countdowns with unfamiliar people. The last second of a year should be with people who really care for you and who you really care for. That is the opening of one year!
Last year, I spent my countdown at a little cat coffee shop in Taipei with Michael (my brother) and friends from Junior Chamber of Commerce in Taipei. Well, I was soooooo busy for work and traveling to China. So, that was fine. Spending with pretty good friends and my work. Hoping for next year.
This year... I am spending my countdown with Jim of course. ---> and a bunch of people I don't know--->his friends. Well, I know it is nice to spend with his friends for him, but certainly not for me. Sigh... the art of compromising. What can I say? Well, I hope it will be fun. I hope I fit in. And I hope at the last second I am with the right people. I am with really who I want to be with.
Surprising? I don't know, we will just have to see.
Well, afterall, Happy New Year! At least we're walking towards 2007.
Couple years before when I was still in highschool; yes that is long time ago..., I spent the New Year Countdowns with either my friends (at parties) or my family (at home watching television countdown which I love to do...) I have never seen any point of going to Count Down Parties hosted by Televsion Companies. I certainly do not enjoy counting down with a bunch of crowds I am totally not familiar with.
When I was in SFU, I remember countdowns I spent with close friends and people who I care and care for me. That is a meaningful countdown. Cuddle every vanishing second together with close friends.
During my work times in LA, I remember one year countdown. I was invited to a New Year Party (of course those huge ones hosted by big marketing companies) with new "LA" friends at the Mayfair Hotel (If I remember correctly) in Hollywood. You went in, you saw a bunch of people, you pay a lot, you drink cheap punch of paid beverage (alcohol) and you social with your friends or try to pick up someone. That was in a small ballroom full of people. A bunch of people I don't know. That is one of the WORST countdowns I've ever been to. I HATE spending countdowns with unfamiliar people. The last second of a year should be with people who really care for you and who you really care for. That is the opening of one year!
Last year, I spent my countdown at a little cat coffee shop in Taipei with Michael (my brother) and friends from Junior Chamber of Commerce in Taipei. Well, I was soooooo busy for work and traveling to China. So, that was fine. Spending with pretty good friends and my work. Hoping for next year.
This year... I am spending my countdown with Jim of course. ---> and a bunch of people I don't know--->his friends. Well, I know it is nice to spend with his friends for him, but certainly not for me. Sigh... the art of compromising. What can I say? Well, I hope it will be fun. I hope I fit in. And I hope at the last second I am with the right people. I am with really who I want to be with.
Surprising? I don't know, we will just have to see.
Well, afterall, Happy New Year! At least we're walking towards 2007.
有些人在這世界上, 真的是無法被了解的...
很多舉動, 很多想法... 都不是一般的道德觀理念來尋走的. 或許這就是為什麼有很多人就是喜歡不規則圖形吧! 原來... 如此...
做了的事, 可以不奇怪. 做錯了的事, 可以心無掛礙. 做影響到他人的事, 可以依樣我行我素. 到底, 是真的那些人不懂嗎? 是天真嗎? 還是就是如此堅持呢? 還是持有真的完全與社會長久傳流代下的倫理完全背道而馳的觀念嗎? 孔, 孟, 莊... 改寫吧!
有些人在這世界上, 真的是無法被了解的...
換個念頭想想, 可能, 真的是他們無辜的想法吧! 我, 還繞在這迷宮裡. 我, 還是無法理解...
有些人在這世界上, 真的是無法被了解的...
或許, 他們都是火星人吧. 有著不同的操守及想法. 平凡的地球人... 還未煉到那個高超的境界. MIB有再管制嗎?
也有可能, 放任"隨心所慾", 是被原諒的吧!
年底了, 好笑的還是另我竊笑... 呵. 呵. 呵.
很多舉動, 很多想法... 都不是一般的道德觀理念來尋走的. 或許這就是為什麼有很多人就是喜歡不規則圖形吧! 原來... 如此...
做了的事, 可以不奇怪. 做錯了的事, 可以心無掛礙. 做影響到他人的事, 可以依樣我行我素. 到底, 是真的那些人不懂嗎? 是天真嗎? 還是就是如此堅持呢? 還是持有真的完全與社會長久傳流代下的倫理完全背道而馳的觀念嗎? 孔, 孟, 莊... 改寫吧!
有些人在這世界上, 真的是無法被了解的...
換個念頭想想, 可能, 真的是他們無辜的想法吧! 我, 還繞在這迷宮裡. 我, 還是無法理解...
有些人在這世界上, 真的是無法被了解的...
或許, 他們都是火星人吧. 有著不同的操守及想法. 平凡的地球人... 還未煉到那個高超的境界. MIB有再管制嗎?
也有可能, 放任"隨心所慾", 是被原諒的吧!
年底了, 好笑的還是另我竊笑... 呵. 呵. 呵.
Train Rides to the North Pole
Well, one normal working afternoon in Taiwan... I woke up from lunch naps and opened the MSN Messenger window again. I saw poor Cat having this funny title: "Dear Rudolf can you please stop by my house and pick me up to the North Pole". The title was something like that I couldn't remember the exact wording. So I decided to step in to reveal a secret to this poor soul. The below is posted on Catriona's Blog. So thank Cat for doing the organizing :)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 轉載自Catriona's Blog http://cchengd.spaces.live.com/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c02_owner=1
December 20
Dear Rudolf
In the midst of my can-be-somewhat-stressful-at-times job for the past little while, I changed my MSN caption to "Dear Rudolf..would you please drop by and take me to the North Pole" wishfully thinking that maybe I can receive a complimentary reality-delete treatment on top of a cure for brain freeze...Katy responds by the following...
well, your ticket is at 11:55pm on Dec. 23rd
Catriona - Dear Rudolf says: what?
"your train ticket to the North Pole, modern rudolph is replaced by a high tech train. Entrance will be by your fireplace. just lit up the fire and wait at 11:55pm
Baggage check in will be "on" the train. I repeat, "on" the train. Please do not throw into the fireplace. Lots of passengers did that and complained to baggage claim services. we still have a lot of cases to settle about this. There will be Amtrack Elfs checking your baggage "on" the train so don't you worry about it.
I'm very serious. I have actually just recieved this temporary job from the Northpole Christmas Amtrack Transportation Corporation.
our owner is Mr. Santa Claus
sorry, with a "K", Klaus. he is not very happy if we misspelled it. he will publish employees who misspelled his name on the monthly North Pole Amtrack Newsletter...
You will have to exchange the money with the snowman once you have arrive at your station. you will be arriving at the last station called New Northern Pole Station. This is a new station and since this is your first time there, I have arranged to you a better Condo with high speed internet as you got overe at your home.
By the way, I haven't finish about the exchanging money part. When you arrive, you go to the Schillings Exchange Window. They take Canadian. Well, they are very friendly to Canadians as you know... Canada is closer to the North Pole and less polution generated by Canada. So the exchange rate is better. You will exchange your Canadian Dollar to Northern Rupens.
You can only use Rupens over there and only around this time. They only take visitors from Thanksgiving on till Jan. 2nd. Just one day after the New Year Party. The exchange rate is 1:17. 17 is Rupens.
Ask for the First timer visitor's guideline from the Elf on the train otherwise you'll be pretty lost. Your ticket is good for all the public transportation in the North Pole. But if you want to rent a car/ride, you will have to pay extra.
The ride services are actually provides by reindeers. "Only" over there. I do not suggest you ride the reindeers by yourself cause I don't think you'll ever pass the test.
Plus I don't think with the short visit over there you should spend one day to learn and take the reindeer tests. The trainees are horrible and they are very strict on issuing raindeer rider's license to visitor.
Just tell the Your Condo manager to call a reinxi for you. It'll get you anywhere. The town is not as big as canada.
Reinxi is short for reindeer taxi. see you people.... first timers... oh my god... don't ask this question over there other wise you'll get ripped off when you buy souveniers over there.
Don't forget to buy me snowmellows. I only want that as a present... I've already paid your ticket for your alraedy as a christmas gift to you. Don't let other people know cause the train tickets are sold out. They'll have to book it next year. Next year you can plan a more deluxe trip since you've been there already."
And my friends..that's Katy..Always full of crazy ideas! That's why we luv her! All I needed was a hug and a pat on the head but you gave alot more than that with your story..thanks babe!
Told you all I wanted to be a writer... But Cat, always there for you and a little bit of imagination creats a whole lot of fascination. Let loose from the poluted society we are in now sometimes, we can still find our first smile in our memories. Don't be too stressed at work! :)
To you and to my husband Jim. He has it all and knows it all. Kekeke...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~~~
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 轉載自Catriona's Blog http://cchengd.spaces.live.com/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c02_owner=1
December 20
Dear Rudolf
In the midst of my can-be-somewhat-stressful-at-times job for the past little while, I changed my MSN caption to "Dear Rudolf..would you please drop by and take me to the North Pole" wishfully thinking that maybe I can receive a complimentary reality-delete treatment on top of a cure for brain freeze...Katy responds by the following...
well, your ticket is at 11:55pm on Dec. 23rd
Catriona - Dear Rudolf says: what?
"your train ticket to the North Pole, modern rudolph is replaced by a high tech train. Entrance will be by your fireplace. just lit up the fire and wait at 11:55pm
Baggage check in will be "on" the train. I repeat, "on" the train. Please do not throw into the fireplace. Lots of passengers did that and complained to baggage claim services. we still have a lot of cases to settle about this. There will be Amtrack Elfs checking your baggage "on" the train so don't you worry about it.
I'm very serious. I have actually just recieved this temporary job from the Northpole Christmas Amtrack Transportation Corporation.
our owner is Mr. Santa Claus
sorry, with a "K", Klaus. he is not very happy if we misspelled it. he will publish employees who misspelled his name on the monthly North Pole Amtrack Newsletter...
You will have to exchange the money with the snowman once you have arrive at your station. you will be arriving at the last station called New Northern Pole Station. This is a new station and since this is your first time there, I have arranged to you a better Condo with high speed internet as you got overe at your home.
By the way, I haven't finish about the exchanging money part. When you arrive, you go to the Schillings Exchange Window. They take Canadian. Well, they are very friendly to Canadians as you know... Canada is closer to the North Pole and less polution generated by Canada. So the exchange rate is better. You will exchange your Canadian Dollar to Northern Rupens.
You can only use Rupens over there and only around this time. They only take visitors from Thanksgiving on till Jan. 2nd. Just one day after the New Year Party. The exchange rate is 1:17. 17 is Rupens.
Ask for the First timer visitor's guideline from the Elf on the train otherwise you'll be pretty lost. Your ticket is good for all the public transportation in the North Pole. But if you want to rent a car/ride, you will have to pay extra.
The ride services are actually provides by reindeers. "Only" over there. I do not suggest you ride the reindeers by yourself cause I don't think you'll ever pass the test.
Plus I don't think with the short visit over there you should spend one day to learn and take the reindeer tests. The trainees are horrible and they are very strict on issuing raindeer rider's license to visitor.
Just tell the Your Condo manager to call a reinxi for you. It'll get you anywhere. The town is not as big as canada.
Reinxi is short for reindeer taxi. see you people.... first timers... oh my god... don't ask this question over there other wise you'll get ripped off when you buy souveniers over there.
Don't forget to buy me snowmellows. I only want that as a present... I've already paid your ticket for your alraedy as a christmas gift to you. Don't let other people know cause the train tickets are sold out. They'll have to book it next year. Next year you can plan a more deluxe trip since you've been there already."
And my friends..that's Katy..Always full of crazy ideas! That's why we luv her! All I needed was a hug and a pat on the head but you gave alot more than that with your story..thanks babe!
Told you all I wanted to be a writer... But Cat, always there for you and a little bit of imagination creats a whole lot of fascination. Let loose from the poluted society we are in now sometimes, we can still find our first smile in our memories. Don't be too stressed at work! :)
To you and to my husband Jim. He has it all and knows it all. Kekeke...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~~~
The Bridge between Understanding.and.Realizing Life
I know my title is not making sense. Fact is, I am not making sense already at 10:25pm. I am very sleepy. These days, I realize what I thought was "fine" is a little bit "unfine". I understand the work is busy, I understand we put so much effort, I also understand I start to live with people who are not my family members (you and one other member). I had my hands high up in the air saying of course this is the way it has to be. Now, I am hesitating. Was I not thinking clearly enough to really understand myself? Or was this time of life just a period of getting used to the next stage of life.
Of course Wednesdays is a weekday and the chance of dining together is minimal to city people like us. (Weekends is not any better anyways cause it's always with a bunch of people as well) Good, it's the days of inviting friends out for a nice dinner and vice versa. There is fact a small voice saying: "oh, it might be nice if we can go out together." My dinners and probably most of you are too are filled with still old time friends, still very lovable parents and myself in the office or myself with myself.
Of course we still all have to work for some glorious purpose like enrich and find a competitive life for our inner self. Translating to reality vocabulary is to recieve sufficient fund for our living. So I battle the sleepiness every single day despite the fact that none of the hormones and nerves is right because of you know what. I do try very hard and I try to not sound like complaining. I believe most of the people whether suffering from pregnancy or not do dream of getting off at that instant at the same time having afternoon tea at the east side of Taipei. Nope, not coming true. Just gotta face what I called the reality of life.
Of course the house is quite big and we do need more people to fill in. The old chinese saying is the more people in the house the better the live of the house. Not to mention, I have already tied the knot. So I have realize I am not suppose to bring a shitty face back home when I am tired or pissed off at you. Or pissed off at myself. I am just not getting used to the fact that I have to live with complete strangers, other than you of course. I am just not used to it yet after 16 days of this new life. Well, nobody seems to be hearing my feelings so my blog might as well do. Can I wash my clothes at my own pace? Can I do a lot of things out of my will? I am still trying to get used to it. Great, not yet. Just thought of another thing, how long has it been since the last time we set foot in the movie theater? I don't even remember!
I understand all of my complaints and probably these murmuring are just complaints. I will enventually get it off. As I start to realize what is really needed to be "realized", I am torn between understanding and realizing.
I am still here, just a little bit loosing it.
Of course Wednesdays is a weekday and the chance of dining together is minimal to city people like us. (Weekends is not any better anyways cause it's always with a bunch of people as well) Good, it's the days of inviting friends out for a nice dinner and vice versa. There is fact a small voice saying: "oh, it might be nice if we can go out together." My dinners and probably most of you are too are filled with still old time friends, still very lovable parents and myself in the office or myself with myself.
Of course we still all have to work for some glorious purpose like enrich and find a competitive life for our inner self. Translating to reality vocabulary is to recieve sufficient fund for our living. So I battle the sleepiness every single day despite the fact that none of the hormones and nerves is right because of you know what. I do try very hard and I try to not sound like complaining. I believe most of the people whether suffering from pregnancy or not do dream of getting off at that instant at the same time having afternoon tea at the east side of Taipei. Nope, not coming true. Just gotta face what I called the reality of life.
Of course the house is quite big and we do need more people to fill in. The old chinese saying is the more people in the house the better the live of the house. Not to mention, I have already tied the knot. So I have realize I am not suppose to bring a shitty face back home when I am tired or pissed off at you. Or pissed off at myself. I am just not getting used to the fact that I have to live with complete strangers, other than you of course. I am just not used to it yet after 16 days of this new life. Well, nobody seems to be hearing my feelings so my blog might as well do. Can I wash my clothes at my own pace? Can I do a lot of things out of my will? I am still trying to get used to it. Great, not yet. Just thought of another thing, how long has it been since the last time we set foot in the movie theater? I don't even remember!
I understand all of my complaints and probably these murmuring are just complaints. I will enventually get it off. As I start to realize what is really needed to be "realized", I am torn between understanding and realizing.
I am still here, just a little bit loosing it.
有好幾個月了,但是最近我發覺我的人生好像籠罩在灰濛濛的霧裡. 連我自己也摸不清楚方向. 呵, 怎是這樣?
現在才終於發現, 當我需要時, 依靠的人還是只有自己. 有誰能真正願意去了解我的感受和需要的理由? 真的, 只有自己.
現在也才終於知道, 這些話有多傷人. 是被劃傷了嗎? 還是刺痛了? 就算解釋, 就算是氣話, 總是在我腦海中揮之不去. 是我, 我只能躲在自己的小角落裡, 靜靜的想. 怎麼會變這樣子?
依稀記得, 好開心. 很驚訝, 很開心. 感覺, 逐漸依稀. 漸漸, 柔情和五月花變成我最好的朋友. 真的很懷念, 那些不久的從前. 沒有眼淚的從前.
我還好, 就是生活中多了眼淚的日子. 我只是深感對不起的是我的寶貝. 對不起, 我的兩天一次的痛哭掉淚, 一定讓你覺得煩悶, 既然我們現在這樣相連, 你有點倒楣的必須與我一同悲喜. 為了你, 我試過告訴自己快樂, 而這口號卻總被打散. 我真的也不願. 我很對不起你, 我會自己努力. 記得嘛? 我告訴過你花蓮的計畫. 我們以後可以有的計畫. 如果你不喜歡那裡, 我們還有第二個選擇. 一樣, 我們可以很快樂. 伴山伴水的日子, 沒有傷人的話語. 鳥啼聲我想我們會喜歡的.
我的心情現在紛亂複雜. 本以為你會了解, 而我會找到我的釋放, 我渴望的避風港. 總是, 我要求太多了. 我應該學會滿足於自己的懷抱.
很想跟你說, 我從來沒有想要阻饒你. 我也很有你有的那份心. 只是你不了解現在只剩一個禮拜的狀況嗎? 你的話太傷人, 你的心太不願意去了解. 我講破了嘴, 你還是不願意跨出那一步去了解. 那你就繼續捍衛你的自尊吧! 我只是已經毫無思緒的無言了.
現在才終於發現, 當我需要時, 依靠的人還是只有自己. 有誰能真正願意去了解我的感受和需要的理由? 真的, 只有自己.
現在也才終於知道, 這些話有多傷人. 是被劃傷了嗎? 還是刺痛了? 就算解釋, 就算是氣話, 總是在我腦海中揮之不去. 是我, 我只能躲在自己的小角落裡, 靜靜的想. 怎麼會變這樣子?
依稀記得, 好開心. 很驚訝, 很開心. 感覺, 逐漸依稀. 漸漸, 柔情和五月花變成我最好的朋友. 真的很懷念, 那些不久的從前. 沒有眼淚的從前.
我還好, 就是生活中多了眼淚的日子. 我只是深感對不起的是我的寶貝. 對不起, 我的兩天一次的痛哭掉淚, 一定讓你覺得煩悶, 既然我們現在這樣相連, 你有點倒楣的必須與我一同悲喜. 為了你, 我試過告訴自己快樂, 而這口號卻總被打散. 我真的也不願. 我很對不起你, 我會自己努力. 記得嘛? 我告訴過你花蓮的計畫. 我們以後可以有的計畫. 如果你不喜歡那裡, 我們還有第二個選擇. 一樣, 我們可以很快樂. 伴山伴水的日子, 沒有傷人的話語. 鳥啼聲我想我們會喜歡的.
我的心情現在紛亂複雜. 本以為你會了解, 而我會找到我的釋放, 我渴望的避風港. 總是, 我要求太多了. 我應該學會滿足於自己的懷抱.
很想跟你說, 我從來沒有想要阻饒你. 我也很有你有的那份心. 只是你不了解現在只剩一個禮拜的狀況嗎? 你的話太傷人, 你的心太不願意去了解. 我講破了嘴, 你還是不願意跨出那一步去了解. 那你就繼續捍衛你的自尊吧! 我只是已經毫無思緒的無言了.
常常聽到人說, 有些人交往很久了, 結婚已無必要, 並且愛情是婚姻的墳墓. 墳墓? 老實說, 若相處已久, 你還能保持愛情的熱度? 像最初那般? 別騙我了, 習慣和膩是人的本質. 若你交往十年還是保持當初的激情都毫無改變的話, 那可能是赫爾蒙分泌過盛, 需要看內科就診內分泌失調疾病.
我認為, 逃避及avoid婚姻的人, 是責任法律化制度的逃避者. 這是什麼制度? 當你簽了那一紙合約, 你就有法律上得責任了. 而, 相處的附帶規範, 是責任. 當你簽了那一紙合約, 則是把這責任帶入合法程序, 既, 觸法, 則有罰責.
最近, 才深深的體會到, 已不能說走就走. 無法律約範的你我, 本有著拂袖而去的權力. 每一個人都可以是揮一揮衣袖不帶走一片雲彩的徐志摩. 若你我真的選擇合法化, 可能連余光中都不是了.
那一紙合約, 簽下了什麼? 簽下了兩人密切相處的必要, 當然也帶來了正當性(這依舊是一個帶點舊觀念的社會). 簽下了兩個家庭真正且必須的結合. 簽下了兩人一生扛著擔子的工作. 簽下了兩個截然不同生活的融合及改變. 簽下了不離不棄. 簽下了一個綁約性的投資, 投資產品是對方, 投資期限是未破局以前的一輩子. 簽下了最最最重要的"責.任" Our responsibility to each other, to the bondings of each other and to all the connection linked to each other. 當然, 我敢說, 甘之如飴. 這樣子的合約, 給了人生另外一個旅程, 給了自己跳躍式的成長, 給了生活更沉穩紮實的重心和方向. 我選擇, 因為我敢面對責任, 我也敢面對責任法律化帶來的權力及罰責. 因為它帶來的影響甚大. 所以, 我更必須小心的去呵護這個約束, 去尊重這個約束, 及去善待這個約束裡面所列出的關係人. 這是我最有信心的選擇.
而選擇不簽那紙合約的人, 反之當有很多權力. 他可以做徐志摩, 他時時刻刻都可以做詩人, 他更可以說走就走. 但是我相信他不敢面對那紙合約帶來的責任. 是麻煩? 如果你在一開始就覺得有破局的可能, 那是個麻煩, 因為解約的程序和心路歷程是個折磨. 如果你會觸犯這只合約背後的法律, 那也是個麻煩, 理由如上, 還加上可能失去人生自由讓國家奉養你.
所以, 有這樣想法得朋友們. 別再說那紙合約簽署與否並無差別, 上述種種已告訴你有實際上的巨大差別. 因為一切變成你必須, 但是是個自發性的必須, 是個開心的必須. 也別再說那是個墳墓. 墳墓的由來是因為你無法承受這些過程中的磨擦爭吵的磨合期所以漸漸築起墓穴. 說到底, 是無法也無力去面對這個制度帶來的壓力和必須付出的責任. 人生需經過荊蕀山路而走到康莊大道, 才能珍惜平順的美景, 柿子總不能老挑甜的吃.
每個人都有選擇的權力, 而個人言論終究也只是個人言論. 但是, 想想吧! 或許換條路會發現更有挑戰性, 旁邊的人與你的步伐或許比走平順大道還要穩健.
婚姻是一個屬於兩人的花園. 只是, 需要你從無到有的栽種, 灌溉, 呵護, 照顧, 就會呈現屬於你的美麗花園.
J&K Secret Garden
Soon to be ByLaw...
我認為, 逃避及avoid婚姻的人, 是責任法律化制度的逃避者. 這是什麼制度? 當你簽了那一紙合約, 你就有法律上得責任了. 而, 相處的附帶規範, 是責任. 當你簽了那一紙合約, 則是把這責任帶入合法程序, 既, 觸法, 則有罰責.
最近, 才深深的體會到, 已不能說走就走. 無法律約範的你我, 本有著拂袖而去的權力. 每一個人都可以是揮一揮衣袖不帶走一片雲彩的徐志摩. 若你我真的選擇合法化, 可能連余光中都不是了.
那一紙合約, 簽下了什麼? 簽下了兩人密切相處的必要, 當然也帶來了正當性(這依舊是一個帶點舊觀念的社會). 簽下了兩個家庭真正且必須的結合. 簽下了兩人一生扛著擔子的工作. 簽下了兩個截然不同生活的融合及改變. 簽下了不離不棄. 簽下了一個綁約性的投資, 投資產品是對方, 投資期限是未破局以前的一輩子. 簽下了最最最重要的"責.任" Our responsibility to each other, to the bondings of each other and to all the connection linked to each other. 當然, 我敢說, 甘之如飴. 這樣子的合約, 給了人生另外一個旅程, 給了自己跳躍式的成長, 給了生活更沉穩紮實的重心和方向. 我選擇, 因為我敢面對責任, 我也敢面對責任法律化帶來的權力及罰責. 因為它帶來的影響甚大. 所以, 我更必須小心的去呵護這個約束, 去尊重這個約束, 及去善待這個約束裡面所列出的關係人. 這是我最有信心的選擇.
而選擇不簽那紙合約的人, 反之當有很多權力. 他可以做徐志摩, 他時時刻刻都可以做詩人, 他更可以說走就走. 但是我相信他不敢面對那紙合約帶來的責任. 是麻煩? 如果你在一開始就覺得有破局的可能, 那是個麻煩, 因為解約的程序和心路歷程是個折磨. 如果你會觸犯這只合約背後的法律, 那也是個麻煩, 理由如上, 還加上可能失去人生自由讓國家奉養你.
所以, 有這樣想法得朋友們. 別再說那紙合約簽署與否並無差別, 上述種種已告訴你有實際上的巨大差別. 因為一切變成你必須, 但是是個自發性的必須, 是個開心的必須. 也別再說那是個墳墓. 墳墓的由來是因為你無法承受這些過程中的磨擦爭吵的磨合期所以漸漸築起墓穴. 說到底, 是無法也無力去面對這個制度帶來的壓力和必須付出的責任. 人生需經過荊蕀山路而走到康莊大道, 才能珍惜平順的美景, 柿子總不能老挑甜的吃.
每個人都有選擇的權力, 而個人言論終究也只是個人言論. 但是, 想想吧! 或許換條路會發現更有挑戰性, 旁邊的人與你的步伐或許比走平順大道還要穩健.
婚姻是一個屬於兩人的花園. 只是, 需要你從無到有的栽種, 灌溉, 呵護, 照顧, 就會呈現屬於你的美麗花園.
J&K Secret Garden
Soon to be ByLaw...
放肆當下? 還是活.在.當.下?
今天, 有個好姊妹問我, "爲什麼, 有些人可以沒有感覺了之後就走? 而可以不顧到另一個人的感受嗎?" 是啊! 在現在的世界裡,感情,似乎是廉價的. 所有的承諾,似乎都可以是一時快樂的話語. 不是有一句鼓勵人的話嗎? "活在當下!" 呵,我想,這真是個錯誤的解讀吧! 大師們聽到這一句話讓世人淋瀝盡至的徹悟到如此貫徹始終的地步,我想,會當場昏倒吧... 世事皆有因緣,也皆有因果. 有因,此必有果. "活在當下"的當下,是會隨著你帶著一起去以後的. 有些人,不太明瞭大師們所要我們頓悟的方向. 六道眾生皆有情,有情眾生皆有迷惑之時.
對於好姊妹的問題, 我簡單回答: "因尚未尋找到自己的方向,尚未了解到自己需要什麼,並且尚未穩定" 她舉了例,說她的朋友的男友,轉了一圈卻走到了那可憐朋友的妹妹身邊. 糟糕,這樣子的例子,好像在太陽花還是某花系列的劇集中演過,也充刺在我們的身邊. 我說,道德觀並未建立清楚吧! 之前,並未遇過這樣子的例子,但是,是有過朋友與前任類似的情況. 雖說,並非交心好友,但,總是熟識多年吧. 如此情形,能說什麼呢? 當然,沒必要假惺惺的祝福. 所以,還不如冷眼看待. 這樣子的人,總得保持距離吧. 前一陣子也聽說,某個溫哥華的女生,跟了她前任男友的多年熟識好友在一起. 我說了句"吃相難看". 何必呢? 何必讓人落個罵名. 而且,聽說並非僅此一位. 這樣子的事件依依重演,讓我想到多年前紅透半天的影集, BEVERLY HILLS 90210,非得要世界演變的那麼複雜,每個誰都一定要跟每個誰牽連. 我想,是因為都太自我了吧. 只要是想做的,有什麼不可以. 李明依早在十幾年前就對這個世界宣示不是嗎? 可是,那個界線呢? 有沒有界線? 該有吧.
她也問了,感情不該是沒有對錯的嗎? 對錯,對感情來說是太膚淺的字語. 所謂的感情,或是一般通俗所知的愛情,並非"迷戀". 當我們迷戀時,會不顧一切的投入,而愛情(感情)是出現在迷戀過後真正清醒的時候,你發現,你是愛他的. 愛情也包括了責任. 責任,也是人學習的課題. 愛情,不巧的包括責任在內.
說實,我也曾迷失過,我也曾錯過. 但,隨著人生起落,隨著跌撞,隨著傷逝,終於明瞭到"尊重". 看透徹了之後,在也不可能回到當初的狂. 轉變成了專. 道德觀,自制力,看透徹是這一段旅程的最佳獎勵. 而我,希望得到更多. 那些未得到這三項獎勵的朋友們,終會得到. 雖然,我們的人生還很長,但路已漸漸變短. 在想回頭之前,轉念吧!
雖然,我們的路並非風平浪靜. 若沒有風臨浪嘯,又如何感到安穩的恬靜. 我們,也不會萃煉成珍惜. 也許,有一天我們不在迷戀,但,到了那一天,我對你,是愛情至感情而化最難得的親情. 或許,在我們未發現之時,我們已過了迷戀的風景,已到了下一個景點. 呵,至少,我看過了你每一面,每一個樣子,在我心裡,你依舊帥氣.
走過了風雨,到了現在這個景點的你們,一定看的到我捕捉的畫面. 還未走過,還未到達的朋友們,總會有這麼一天的. 而,不想到達這裡,嫌兩個人的畫面太擁擠的你們,一定也捕捉到了一個人的瑰麗風景.
至於,那些依舊迷失的他們,或許該思考,當春去秋來,冬過春至,你想要採收什麼樣子的果實? 酸澀,縱使強食入口,也依舊難嚥.
恩, 又夜了...
對於好姊妹的問題, 我簡單回答: "因尚未尋找到自己的方向,尚未了解到自己需要什麼,並且尚未穩定" 她舉了例,說她的朋友的男友,轉了一圈卻走到了那可憐朋友的妹妹身邊. 糟糕,這樣子的例子,好像在太陽花還是某花系列的劇集中演過,也充刺在我們的身邊. 我說,道德觀並未建立清楚吧! 之前,並未遇過這樣子的例子,但是,是有過朋友與前任類似的情況. 雖說,並非交心好友,但,總是熟識多年吧. 如此情形,能說什麼呢? 當然,沒必要假惺惺的祝福. 所以,還不如冷眼看待. 這樣子的人,總得保持距離吧. 前一陣子也聽說,某個溫哥華的女生,跟了她前任男友的多年熟識好友在一起. 我說了句"吃相難看". 何必呢? 何必讓人落個罵名. 而且,聽說並非僅此一位. 這樣子的事件依依重演,讓我想到多年前紅透半天的影集, BEVERLY HILLS 90210,非得要世界演變的那麼複雜,每個誰都一定要跟每個誰牽連. 我想,是因為都太自我了吧. 只要是想做的,有什麼不可以. 李明依早在十幾年前就對這個世界宣示不是嗎? 可是,那個界線呢? 有沒有界線? 該有吧.
她也問了,感情不該是沒有對錯的嗎? 對錯,對感情來說是太膚淺的字語. 所謂的感情,或是一般通俗所知的愛情,並非"迷戀". 當我們迷戀時,會不顧一切的投入,而愛情(感情)是出現在迷戀過後真正清醒的時候,你發現,你是愛他的. 愛情也包括了責任. 責任,也是人學習的課題. 愛情,不巧的包括責任在內.
說實,我也曾迷失過,我也曾錯過. 但,隨著人生起落,隨著跌撞,隨著傷逝,終於明瞭到"尊重". 看透徹了之後,在也不可能回到當初的狂. 轉變成了專. 道德觀,自制力,看透徹是這一段旅程的最佳獎勵. 而我,希望得到更多. 那些未得到這三項獎勵的朋友們,終會得到. 雖然,我們的人生還很長,但路已漸漸變短. 在想回頭之前,轉念吧!
雖然,我們的路並非風平浪靜. 若沒有風臨浪嘯,又如何感到安穩的恬靜. 我們,也不會萃煉成珍惜. 也許,有一天我們不在迷戀,但,到了那一天,我對你,是愛情至感情而化最難得的親情. 或許,在我們未發現之時,我們已過了迷戀的風景,已到了下一個景點. 呵,至少,我看過了你每一面,每一個樣子,在我心裡,你依舊帥氣.
走過了風雨,到了現在這個景點的你們,一定看的到我捕捉的畫面. 還未走過,還未到達的朋友們,總會有這麼一天的. 而,不想到達這裡,嫌兩個人的畫面太擁擠的你們,一定也捕捉到了一個人的瑰麗風景.
至於,那些依舊迷失的他們,或許該思考,當春去秋來,冬過春至,你想要採收什麼樣子的果實? 酸澀,縱使強食入口,也依舊難嚥.
恩, 又夜了...
每個人心裡都有一個底線. 對每件事的底線不同. 到了那個底線, 就得考慮要拉近在拉近一點, 還是直接轉身. 等待等待在等待, 不知道是缺乏耐性, 還是眼看就要逼近底線而著急. 總之, 沒有確實的事情, 就是在霧裡看花. 你怎麼看, 也模糊失焦; 你怎麼摸, 也似是而非; 你怎麼想, 也雜亂無章. 爲什麼? 因為沒有確實的頭緒來看, 來摸, 來想. 所以, 心裡就像在海浪裡的小船, 浮浮載載. 旁邊總有人說前邊有燈塔, 你依著他指的方向看去, 像是看的到光, 卻總看不到那個踏實的塔. 越看不到, 越想放棄.
"If the building blocks of our relationship is incongruent, then we have to work out the kinks so they will match perfectly"
-MSN Name: Jan. 2006 Pieces tied together-> to cat...
Perfectly Imperfect [看破事情的表面, 樸實不華的真實便會呈現在眼底. 那時, 眼中的世界才會真實起來.]
MSN Name: Is compromising a way to carry on? Or is compromising a slow kill to the relationship?
那些未解釋清楚何不想解釋清楚的, 就讓它殘留在一定會消逝的曾經中.
若是可以往前看, 那又何必回頭?
踏過的路曾經崎嶇, 但已如過眼山水, 於身後煙消雲散.
而我, 在無衝動轉身.
其他無法載上, 容易造成反胃效果, 不想虐待朋友們的...
-MSN Name: Jan. 2006 Pieces tied together-> to cat...
Perfectly Imperfect [看破事情的表面, 樸實不華的真實便會呈現在眼底. 那時, 眼中的世界才會真實起來.]
MSN Name: Is compromising a way to carry on? Or is compromising a slow kill to the relationship?
那些未解釋清楚何不想解釋清楚的, 就讓它殘留在一定會消逝的曾經中.
若是可以往前看, 那又何必回頭?
踏過的路曾經崎嶇, 但已如過眼山水, 於身後煙消雲散.
而我, 在無衝動轉身.
其他無法載上, 容易造成反胃效果, 不想虐待朋友們的...
等. 忍. 煩. 膩. 厭.
有趣的現象. 不論如何, 你總是難以放手,而旁人的話,總是無法入耳. 在生活中, 在台灣,在台北,是否總是感覺不段的在等待,忍耐,等待,忍耐. 直至厭煩而放棄等待忍耐. 至少,似乎百分之七十的台北人是. 耐性,總是有用完的一天. 每天,等公車,等捷運,等紅綠燈,等午休,等下班. 似乎就在這種圈子裡面游走在巡迴. 煩,也是得繼續重複. 厭,也總是得繼續隱忍. 別人等你,或反之,總是不會離開這樣子的模式. 不在重要的事,不在該是priority的事還是固執堅持. 實在,我有點厭了. 這真是令人厭煩.
12點了, 早說要去睡了.
12點了, 早說要去睡了.
Part V Finally Finally Sisters!
昨天幾個女人約了約去了養生鍋. 全拜Catriona大小姐要求要吃個人涮涮鍋. 我找了又找. 終於覺得有一家新奇又不錯的. Well I still have a thing against eating hot pot in the summer. When I called the restaurant, I especially asked them if they have "super cooling air-conditioning" or not. The funny thing is, they said "Yes and you better bring a little jacket or you might feel cold..." So much for the bragging...
Attendees: Me, Catriona, Teresa, Susan (Teresa's sister), Jessica, Jessica's boyfriend (don't know his name), May, A-Wang (Ruru's Attachment as always and proves that he was only there to FedEx 雪肌精 products that Ruru has bought for Cat and pick up 蜜餞 which Cat has bought for her. He didn't even eat! Said he ate too much dead minced mice meat or something, I don't get it...). We arrived there right on time, of course, we took pictures with 3 cameras as always...
First Round
Second Round
溫補知新一開始就來了個酸梅茶, 口感不會很甜, 酸甜也會回甘
悶. 熱. 灰.
今天悶熱的惱人的天氣, 導致我上班偷個10分鐘的小懶. 怪的是, 外頭兒天色頗為灰暗站出去仍是溼熱的空氣. 氣... 真的氣這天氣...
剛剛看了美女Jessica傳給我的一個朋友的blog. 她叫Vanessa, 一看發現就是以前SFU的Vanessa嘛. 一進去blog的第一篇文章就是, 她和她老公的wedding. Wow... Unbelieavable... 之前的記憶一直以來都是串聯她與她前男友在一起的, 沒想到... 居然已經結婚了! 小小看了她結婚的照片以及細節, 覺得真的很幸福呢! 恭喜你了Vanessa! 實在真的不由得要覺得她很幸福.
近兒, 紅帖雨林紛飛, 吹的到底是哪一起風呢?... 不過, 置身在這紅帖雨林的我們這幫朋友, 大多數也是開心, 羨慕的吧...
不知道爲什麼突然想起一句話... "人各有命, 富貴在天"......
我想... 天氣吧...
剛剛看了美女Jessica傳給我的一個朋友的blog. 她叫Vanessa, 一看發現就是以前SFU的Vanessa嘛. 一進去blog的第一篇文章就是, 她和她老公的wedding. Wow... Unbelieavable... 之前的記憶一直以來都是串聯她與她前男友在一起的, 沒想到... 居然已經結婚了! 小小看了她結婚的照片以及細節, 覺得真的很幸福呢! 恭喜你了Vanessa! 實在真的不由得要覺得她很幸福.
近兒, 紅帖雨林紛飛, 吹的到底是哪一起風呢?... 不過, 置身在這紅帖雨林的我們這幫朋友, 大多數也是開心, 羨慕的吧...
不知道爲什麼突然想起一句話... "人各有命, 富貴在天"......
我想... 天氣吧...
台北. 拼圖. 我.
今天早上一大早, 由新竹趕七點前的車回到了台北. 一路從西區騎到了最東的南港, 我花還不到20分鐘. 又該被他罵了... 由於甚早, 想想, 來自拍好了. 亂七八糟拍了一堆, 挑了三張在辦公室裡的自拍. 呵, 還是不改一號表情和永遠的那個單純呆樣...
一路騎車, 一路任由思緒自由飄散, 突然想, 既然好不容易申請了此blog, 不如把以前的舊作全數貼上來好了. 當作電子儲存檔. 免的有天還真來把火燒了, 找也找不著了永遠失去的以前那些點點痕跡. 其實自己也非大文豪, 寫作也並不特好(大陸慣了,總會學點彼岸的腔) 只是前幾年迷戀於文字拼湊, 直至瘋狂的地步. 累積了那麼多, 雜亂無章上欠缺整理, 若要一時一一貼上這裡, 那只好待續...
最近感覺總還缺些什麼, 好像生活的那塊拼圖還有一塊還未拼湊. 我期待最後一塊合上的瑰麗圖畫. 似乎沒有你我也注定找不到那最後一塊... 尋跡...
一路騎車, 一路任由思緒自由飄散, 突然想, 既然好不容易申請了此blog, 不如把以前的舊作全數貼上來好了. 當作電子儲存檔. 免的有天還真來把火燒了, 找也找不著了永遠失去的以前那些點點痕跡. 其實自己也非大文豪, 寫作也並不特好(大陸慣了,總會學點彼岸的腔) 只是前幾年迷戀於文字拼湊, 直至瘋狂的地步. 累積了那麼多, 雜亂無章上欠缺整理, 若要一時一一貼上這裡, 那只好待續...
最近感覺總還缺些什麼, 好像生活的那塊拼圖還有一塊還未拼湊. 我期待最後一塊合上的瑰麗圖畫. 似乎沒有你我也注定找不到那最後一塊... 尋跡...
新竹. 你.
今天, 下班又迫不及待的衝到了新竹. 依照慣例, 從南港騎到了重慶民生的路口,等豪泰的大車到來. 豪泰,是我南下新竹的唯一選擇. 北京損友說:你又南下了! 我說是的. 阿娟也曾說過, 我覺得你好像已經不是台北人了. 到新竹,主要的目的就是陪伴他. 每每晚上聽到了他疲憊的聲音,總想說,我要是再旁能陪你喝個小酒多好.總比一個人悶著好多了. 今天算早到了. 難得,他也準時的來接我而省了我一陣罰站. 一座上車他說要去吃個飯,我本想能省則省,加減肥也不需進食.但他的堅持, 別傻了, 還是聽他的... 居然到了一家小店他點了個咖哩雞可能察覺我呆在那兒(我吃素), 於是說得去吃吃別間. 終於, 尋找到了一間泰式bar還有素食, 兩個人就再那兒吃吃喝起酒來. 我當時心想, 這樣子的共餐, 真是另我珍惜. 值得的, 來了吃一頓飯, 談談心就可消去一天的疲憊. 你不知道, 你在我的生命中, 已經成為不可或缺的元素. 少此元素, 則我不再是我, 生命不在...
文章 (Atom)