2007年3月20日 星期二


昨天幾個女人約了約去了養生鍋. 全拜Catriona大小姐要求要吃個人涮涮鍋. 我找了又找. 終於覺得有一家新奇又不錯的. Well I still have a thing against eating hot pot in the summer. When I called the restaurant, I especially asked them if they have "super cooling air-conditioning" or not. The funny thing is, they said "Yes and you better bring a little jacket or you might feel cold..." So much for the bragging...

Attendees: Me, Catriona, Teresa, Susan (Teresa's sister), Jessica, Jessica's boyfriend (don't know his name), May, A-Wang (Ruru's Attachment as always and proves that he was only there to FedEx 雪肌精 products that Ruru has bought for Cat and pick up 蜜餞 which Cat has bought for her. He didn't even eat! Said he ate too much dead minced mice meat or something, I don't get it...). We arrived there right on time, of course, we took pictures with 3 cameras as always...

First Round

Second Round

溫補知新一開始就來了個酸梅茶, 口感不會很甜, 酸甜也會回甘
點餐之後就可以有開胃菜了, 冰涼的玉子豆腐
美食終於上場囉! 我點的素鮮榨番茄湯底
