食品恐不恐怖? 現在當然不怎麼樣, 但是以後呢?
For people who thinks it's OK, or don't really believe I've included an excerpt from the magazine. 就算報導真實性待確認, 但每次去中南部看到食品加工廠, 包裝廠, 瓶裝廠, 稻田, 麵粉廠是與重工業廠為鄰就覺得很可怕. 看到流過稻田的水是隔壁工廠流出來的就覺得頭皮發麻. 這種毒不是即時的, 是十年二十年後會發酵的. 而且會變得怎麼樣也不知道. 當然我們還是多多少少會吃因為實在無法避免. 但是, 我們真的需要人來幫我們把關啊! Government please do something! I have the whole story from this magazine if people who are interested let me know I can email.